Friday, September 05, 2008

Sea of white faces at Republican convention

"There is such a thing as a black Republican, but they have been all but invisible at the party's national convention which is hardly representative of America's diverse population.

"Among the party's 2,380 delegates gathered in St. Paul only 36 are African Americans and very few other visible minorities were to be found on the convention floor.

"This is the first time in 40 years that there has been such a weak representation of minorities at a major political party convention, according to the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies."

No, those are not my words, are from an article in today's

This is something anyone watching the convention on TV could have noticed. I did. What a great contrast to the diversity represented at the Democrat's convention.

Condeleeza Rice has not appeared at her own parties convention, because the Republicans don't want to lose their great white votes.

This is not reaching across the isle as John McCain likes to say. It is, instead, a picture of the current race war in America - which will only get worse - for the white folks.

Will there be blood in the streets? Maybe, but I doubt it. The race war will be a slow grind where the whites are displaced mainly by Hispanics, and Black Americans.

Eventually, the grind will bring us to good riddance of bad white rubbish.

You see, I write, "bad white rubbish." Not all whites are bad, at most somewhere under fifty percent (my guess).

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