McCain has placed this inexperienced woman, Sarah Palin, with NO foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from being President of the USA.
Her experience? She was the mayor of a town of 6,000 people, a former beauty pageant queen of the same town, governor of a small state for two years, and a soccer mom.
Moreover, she is under investigation for her firing of a state official, because of allegations she sacked him for refusing to fire her former brother-in-law, an Alaska state trooper. Allegedly, She was upset that the state trouper divorced her sister. Sarah Palin is now under investigation for this (Troopergate).
Is this presidential material? How does McCain vet his people?
Is this presidential material? How does McCain vet his people?
Is she ready to be Commander-in-Chief?
Now McCain has no argument about Obama's presumed lack of experience - not with his beauty pageant queen.
Why did McCain really chose this woman, who has no foreign policy experience?
McCain had a very good reason - he chose her because none of his other choices were willing to be on a losing ticket.
McCain had a very good reason - he chose her because none of his other choices were willing to be on a losing ticket.
Labels: McCain's Choice